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MAEGIC Guam Network

This site is for GU users to start building their MAEGIC network. Once the Guam core data is compiled, each local network will be able to develop and vote on governance algorithms to do things such as geofence a local network for security purposes. MAEGIC is being developed to offer a framework that uses a standardized payment system to entities and people all over the world with the hopes that they will contribute their data so that we can learn what works best for society.

GU network coming soon..

NOTE: If you are donating via XCH, you can donate to a specific feature to support the development of it. Please visit https://maegic.dev/features to browse, request and track the development progress of MAEGIC. Feature donations are dispursed to the developers based on their coding contributions, click here for more information.

If you're interested in donating via cryptos, click here.

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